Myssi Robinson
Myssi Robinson moves from the inside out. It’s as if she has conversations with every breath, registers them in her limbs, and then envelops the space. Whether in works by David Dorfman or Kyle Marshall, she masterfully mixes text and technique.
Myssi will be at UDC from April 14 - 20. She will perform Saturday, April 19th at 7:30p. She will be doing imaginative archiving sessions instead of a community class on Sunday. Sign up HERE
All About Me
I am a Bessie award winning performer, multidisciplinary maker and caregiver from Powhatan lands / Richmond, VA. I explores imaginative archiving, mixed-media marking + design, ritual curiosities and my own improvisational body. Through photography, video poetry, visual art response and spirit-forward witnessing, I ask how the archive can flirt with embodiment, collective processing, affirmation of being and the blurring of legibility. In all of my working, intuition and empathy play with maximalist instinct to give life to what comes. Gratitude to Carolyn and Darrin for my life and abilities to create freely within it. may we all heal.